Monday, September 21, 2009

Scratch The Last Post, It Was Crap.

Seriously, just pretend it isn't there or something. I don't care.

I know though, you're all wondering "Oh so wonderful and perfect being, what have you been up to recently?" Well it isn't any of your damn business that's what I've been up to!

Actually, I've been going to school so I don't get stuck working in fast foods for the rest of my life, that's why I'm up to. So to calm all of you non-existant people down, have some sketches.

Hmm, whatever could those sketches be about..? Most suspicious...

Monday, September 14, 2009

Is This The Fabled Religion Offensive Post?

Why, yes it is. It quite is.



Okay, enough faffing about. Let me just lay it out for you plain and simple; Each and every single religion existing in the world is bullshit. They all come from a need to instill a fear inside the masses so they keep in line just like the little sheep they are. And you know what? It works. It's completly demented, but it works. One would think that since we're told God lives in the great blue sky, it'd pretty much void His existance when we launch rockets straight through His face since the 60's, or that since we now know electricity is a product of nature and we can harness it with science it would void it coming from God.

Or, again, that since we now know there was a HUGE process called evolution that spawned us and not massive inbreeding between Adam, Eve and their sons, you'd think we'd have managed to outgrow religion as a whole. Alas, not.

Don't get me wrong, I also despise atheism. But only because being atheist implies there's a God but you just refuse to believe in it.

So, now you're probably wondering what exactly I am (the answer is no), but there isn't exactly a concrete description. I'd say probably a Meliever. A believer in me.

Because I'm more awesome than any and all idea of a God. Because I'm real.