Showing posts with label Huge Rant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Huge Rant. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wow, I got Commented.

And it's a good thing too. I did what, 3 posts? One of them wasn't even a real post, just me being forced to upload a post before working on the site's layout.

But anyway, back to the comment. It asked for my opinion on more actual events, so I say let's go with the most recent ones. ( By definition an actual event is recent, so my phrase is completly redundant. )

So, there were shootings in Germany and the US that happened in the same day. They did quite a number of deaths, I'm not sure how many but that doesn't actually matter. What matters in this is that I still saw dozens of people attempting to blame this on videogames. Can't they let this go? It's all very annoying. If anything, it delayed the shooters' mass murdering party of the dumb jocks that went to high school with them. And because they're dumb jocks, they were obviously still in high school, and would have been for another 10 years. But back to the delaying, it makes more sense. I mean, if you shoot people in videogames, it helps relieve the frustration felt in real life. Hell, it's the reason why most people play videogames in the beginning, to get away from those things that annoy them in the real world. Beating up textures attached to a mesh isn't going to make you able to beat up people in real life either.

See, pressing up a button to attack somebody is very far away from swinging your fist at someone's face to either miss, or hit them and break your hand while breaking their nose. Pressing a button is also far away from being able to work out a real life gun. It's made to be less intuitive than real life because if not, most people wouldn't be able to play the game. They'd need an instruction manual for every single thing featured in it. Just in Fallout 3, you learn medecine by upgrading your stat everytime you gain a level. If you had to learn how to cure stuff for real, it'd be more useful to just drop the game and go get a degree in medecine so at least you'd get a real achievement, not one that gives you useless gamerpoints or trophies.

It's also the reason why people in movies slash their wrist the "wrong" way. Not that there is a good way to slash your wrist, since suicide is dumb, but it's to make it as far away from real life as possible. Because that's what videogames are all about.

A fantasy.

(I strayed kinda far away from my main point, but I'll get better. I will probably do another rant on my stances later today. I'm thinking abortion, to alienate more people. )